We have designed and supervised the implementation of community gardens, pocket parks, outdoor entertaining areas, and podium landscapes.
Southpark Corp has contracted Greenwood Associates as their landscape architects on many of the development precincts within the Kensington Park development in Orewa, on Auckland’s Hibiscus Coast. We have designed and supervised the implementation of community gardens, pocket parks, outdoor entertaining areas, podium landscapes, shared vegetable gardens, boardwalks, pathways and sporting facilities in many of the existing and future stages of the neighborhood. Some key projects include the internal park and landscapes surrounding the Seabreeze, Tui Point and The Ferns buildings in the North-West Quarter, the Hibiscus Drive streetscape and community gardens and nine individual dwellings on Landmark Terrace. We have also turned our horticultural expertise to the existing landscapes in the development, designing and managing planting upgrades for previously completed stages to get them up to the standards expected of a neighborhood with high finishing standards such a distinct architectural aesthetic. Supervising the implementation of projects has required our team to provide sound horticultural methodology to allow subtropical planting to establish within a steep site and poor soil conditions.