Integrating nature and culture
Te whakauru taiao a tikanga
Providing unique and functional design for commercial,
residential, government and civic landscapes of all scales.
Integrating nature and culture
Te whakauru taiao a tikanga
Providing unique and functional design for commercial, residential, government, and civic landscapes of all scales.

Greenwood Associates recognises the unique role of Māori as tangata whenua Aotearoa.
We embrace the Te Tiriti o Waitangi with Māori as tino rangatiratanga of Aotearoa and fervently believe our role as landscape architects is to achieve sustainable design excellence through the respect of physical and cultural context employing te aranga Māori design principles to actively improve the natural world for future generations.
Whakaute tangata, taiao a mātauranga Māori.
Services We Offer
Our full range of landscape architectural services are directly aligned with the needs of planners, architects and private developers to achieve resource consent detailed design, building consent and supervision of the final product. We have the capacity and expertise to deliver projects of all scales and levels of complexity.